
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Really Nice Mornings

Well, compared to yesterday anyway.
Is that fat bunny just too cute or what? I don't think he's uncomfortable, LOL. He was born the same day as the other bunnies and is twice their size. He's also in no hurry to jump out of the box, he and his litter mates are still laying in the fur.

There's Lucky goat, sporting his swelled face from the bad dog. He's been working on that piece of string all morning. I tried to get it away from him but that didn't work out so well.

There's my big Australorp hen, she's working on one of those monster big eggs she lays for me every day. Big as a duck egg. A critter got into the banty hens' nest over night and ate all the eggs. The hen got smart and fled so at least I still have her around. She's a bit ruffled this morning and I don't blame her one bit. Here's a 3 minute windows media player clip of Daisy calf this morning after milking.


  1. It must be great to get up in the morning to take care of such lovely animals :-)

    And what a bundle of joy the little calf is!

  2. Those pictures and the video are precious, made me smile and I needed that :o) Our weather is gray and cold AGAIN for several day, with a chance of snow tomorrow. I sure wish it would turn around, warm up and let the sun shine*sigh*

    I have lettuce, kale, chard, turnips and radishes growing i the greenhouse and I swear they're still only 3" tall. It's gotta be the lack of sunlight, as the greenhouse stays warm. I'm so hungry for greens I tempted to cut them all off and have one medium sized salad, LOL! Gotta laugh otherwise you'd cry. :o)

  3. There's something primevally therapeutic about spending time with animals. You've got some adorable babies. My fiancé just gave his blessing to me getting horses once we get ourselves that parcel of land, so there's even more to look forward to, when we find the place to dig our roots into.

    (My cat started batting the calf on the screen, how cute is that? ^_^)

    PS. Oh, and I did get to test that ziptop bag seed starting method from a few posts back, and I got the spearmint sprouted in just under 36 hours! Four days later, all our greens were already up and growing! Thanks for that tip, it works like a charm, and keeps the cat out!


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