
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Insult to Injury

Mother Nature just won't give me a break this year. Not only does she whoop on my garden with her inhuman heat and humidity, she's got to whip up nasty little storm cells out of nowhere and knock the crud out of my shade trees. This pitiful little farm is starting to look pretty darn rough!


  1. Dang,um I take it you got some rain in the process? We are starting to really dry out. The rain just hasn't been making it here. Well I got to go water my fall garden(peas,arugula,spinach,lettuce, and carrots). Take care!

  2. Can you at least get some firewood from the tree disaster? I just wish our huge tornado had knocked some of my 100 yr old trees onto my house!

  3. Very rough year indeed. We got wholloped by a "100 year storm" this year too. Last year they got 13+ inches in less than 12 hours.. this year.. over 16 inches overnight. Entire gardens washed away.. rocks the size of basketballs and bigger everywhere.

    Here's to hoping next year is more mild!

  4. Sorry about the trees and limbs. How did your buildings and animals fare?

  5. We have the same problem here in Tennessee. We need a rain badly, but all we seem to get is high wind and lightning. At least we haven't had any tornados lately. I discussed this problem on my own blog at Give us a visit if you have a few minutes to spare.


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