
Friday, April 16, 2010

A Good Day

That's right, it's a good day! Even tho my step sons firewood stack job is a disaster with half of it falling and the rest leaning out waiting to fall, the hubby left for work with the last $20 to our name and came home with a full paycheck! Our farm is no longer on the default list and even the water bill is paid! We've even got enough left over for him to comfortably make it to work all next week. I really don't know how we would have made it this far without the help of you wonderful readers and the garden. Without you all, I'd be homeless and without the garden, I'd be starving. I have been doubly blessed!

We didn't have enough to make the seed protectors so after the rain moves thru, back out to the back roads in search of some cans to cover the few pieces of wood and staple nails we'll need for the project. Once it's done, i can plant my corn!

My good friend Scifichick over at Bacon and Eggs wrote a post a few days ago about dehydrating potatoes. A step by step from how to dehydrate them to re hydrating them and using them. An awesome post. So cool, I think I'm going to try it! Thanks Sci!


  1. Hooray! I truly, truly hope this is the first of a loooonnnng string of good days!

  2. That is fantastic, I'm so glad you made it through okay.

  3. WONDERFUL!!!!! Did you do the happy dance? Very happy for you! Bet you feel about 1000 lbs lighter!.....Now, go make the boy go re-stack th wood. Just tell him suppers ready when your chores are DONE!

  4. So good to hear some good news, MM!

  5. Been there done that. Good News!! , you came thru with Gods help.

  6. Good things come to good people.
    God Bless.


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