
Friday, March 5, 2010

New Grow Shelves

Today was one of those weird kind of days where nothing quite feels right and you've got a few things to do but they all inter mingle with each other so nothing gets done right all at once. I was going to cook up some new things but the kitchen was dirty from me not being home yesterday evening so I started on that first. Then, the kittens kept messing around the window sills where the seedlings were so I decided to fix that. Of course, the scrap wood was over in the storage house so I took off to get that and found a big mess from the hubby and son. so, I had to clean that up first. Okay, now to the seedling/kitten problem. I got my scraps cut into what I wanted and the battery on the cordless drill is not taking a charge. The hunt for a screw driver is on. Tools never stay where they are supposed to here, I have a hubby and a son that NEVER put anything back. I finally found one and got the shelves put together. I loaded up my first planter and set it with Danvers half long carrots. I stretched my plastic wrap and put it on the shelf. Wasn't 5 minutes and a kitten decided to lay on it! So, I had to hunt down the extra wire I saved from the chicken project to keep those darn kittens out of my planters.

I finally got it set up enough to hopefully keep them off my plants and even set a few seed bags that haven't sprouted yet in there too.

Not sure I have enough scrap to get another one made right now and my daughter came home with tickets to a play at the college. Cabaret is on for this evening!


  1. You're so handy!! Sounds like it was one of those day. You have to do 10 things to do 1! Hope the play was good!

  2. Sounds like you need a night out!! ~Liz

  3. Will those carrots grow to maturity in the planters? I need you around here to help me build a few things, lots of ideas, just need help. ;-)

  4. When are you able to set out plants outside in your area?

  5. Great idea! I just got my seeds started today...a bit late after all my fussing!

  6. Hey Gen and Lizbeth! The play was nice, we enjoyed the whole experience.

    Hey Deborah! The carrots will do just fine, Half longs, they get around 5" long in a 10" deep planter, and i get carrots way before outside ones would be ready!

    Hey Darryl! It varies here but it will be late April before the threat of overnight cold temps is past.

  7. Hey katidids! Don't worry, I don't have all mine started yet. I stil have a ton of stuff still to start. Sometimes I get going on other stuff and don't get around to them when I want to either.


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