The wind is whipping today but it's sunny and warm. I love that! The old cat in the house, Cookies, decided she would get even with me for whacking her yesterday(she peed on my doormat) and tore up my strawberry planting. Shame on her but I will just have to restart it. I found tiny little sprigs of green in the ice cream bucket I planted my chives in 4 days ago. I love it when seeds sprout quick! Speaking of seed starting, I saw my good friend ScifiChick did a really cool post about seed starting. Scifi did some research and has several ways to start seeds, including a method using egg shells! The blog is called Bacon and Eggs, go check it out!
I learned something new just the other day while I was blog reading. I've used the old tire method to grow potatoes several times but I never thought of doing what blogger upinAK suggests. Potatoes and old tires....... I'm working on cutting a sidewall off all the tires I have here and getting my taters going in them. As I mentioned last year, my potatoes were hit hard by the heavy, constant rains southern Illinois suffered thru during our planting season. My potatoes pretty much drown. With this new method for the tires, I can see a great crop this year.
Today is kind of a mix of several little projects going on here. Mostly in and around the kitchen. I've got cheese going on the stovetop and I'm working on another variation of ingredients for the hash brown crust egg pie. I sold a couple dozen eggs yesterday but i still have 11 dozen in the fridge so we're going to have to eat some of them.
the boy and I found another $28 worth of aluminum cans. Thanks to a couple people that have helped us out, we're just about $100 from making it to the paycheck. Thank you for the help!
We'll be turning the garden spots next weekend and possibly putting some seedlings out. Weather permitting of course......
D.J. takes D.C. - Video
18 hours ago