This morning was a pleasant one, the Borage and the cucumbers are sprouted. I have some Romas looking like they're going to go any second now as well. I need them to sprout so I can move them off and put new seeds in their place!
I'm feeling pretty good now, I've been drinking the Reliv shakes and I'm sleeping all the way thru the night now without waking up! That hasn't happened since 2002 so I'm pretty happy about that. Reliv is a complete nutritional powder and I'm pretty glad I tried it! Even with eating as well as I do, it's amazing how much nutrient/vitamin combinations I was still missing. I even have more energy.
The baby goats are doing well. They are so darn cute. Skeeter has starting climbing and Oreo is doing the bounce and hop today. I'm looking forward to the mud drying up so I can turn them out in the paddock.
Not much else going on around here, got some garlic cheddar in the press and some Ziti in the oven........