I've been known to go off on a pretty good rant over the phrase "practicing medicine" and I am most certainly due for another one. If you all have been following this blog for the last 5 weeks, you probably already know about my hubsters illness. Last week was his intestinal scope, the cure all, fix all diagnostic test. Yah right. Let's review, shall we? Memorial weekend it was called appendicitis . A week later it was changed to ulcerative colitis. He got antibiotics, steroids and an anti spasm medication. No change. 3 weeks later comes the scope and it becomes diverticulitis (no new meds tho). Another week goes by, the follow up appointment to the scope and all the sudden it's now gall bladder problems! That's kind of funny, he doesn't have any of the symptoms of gall bladder problems at all. 5 weeks now with this same problem, it has not gotten any better at all. It doesn't matter if he eats or not, still the same. Even with the colon clean, he was still having spasms. We're on our 2nd week of short term disability checks and they are 1/3 of his normal paycheck. So, now add stress on top of his illness. The doctors are no closer to knowing what's wrong with him now than they were 5 weeks ago and he's not improved even a tiny bit. (this is the spot where I stomp around the front room and curse like a sailor) So, now he's back at the doctors today, getting stuck with needles for more blood tests to check for something he doesn't have.
If he ever gets over this, I'll bet he's gonna want to eat more of what my son and I eat and quit eating all that processed food crap and soda he insists on consuming....
Add the hubster to your prayer list, we need him to get better!
D.J. takes D.C. - Video
18 hours ago
Dang, praying for you guys!Don't get me started on doctors. We took our 3 yr old to an ENT(per recommended by our family doc). She did the same thing the family doc did and charged our insurance three times the amount. Now we owe her $120 and I have no idea where that is going to come from. Our savings has dried up and we have reverted to using the thing we swore we would never use again the dang credit(more like in debt)card. We are beyond frustrated and on top of that we still had to go to another doc, no bill yet(and that still didn't solve anything). Top all that off with a bad cold running through everyone and my hubby fighting kidney stones. We are running out of things to sell for money and make eveything that we possibly can up to this point. When it rains it pours! I will be sending any good thoughts, prayers and wishes your way that I can spare. Hopefully they find out whats wrong asap!
ReplyDeleteYup. That's why they call it a practice.
ReplyDeleteTry putting him on a gluten free diet for a week. No wheat, barley, rye or oats. It sure sounds like it could be a gluten problem. Doctors usually take years to figure it out. If it is a gluten problem, he'll be dramatically improved in a week. If not, no loss.
ReplyDeletehey Coley! That's where we were last year ourselves. We have no material things left to sell, 401k is gone too. We hadn't recovered yet and this happens. I know how you feel, you're not alone.
ReplyDeleteSue, yes and it is infuriating
Hope things turn around soon for your hubby, with you on his side it will all work out in time. Don't give up your a fighter!!
ReplyDeleteGall bladder problems don't make a person throw up blood, do they? My daughter had her gall bladder removed after weeks of illness. The doctor said she had none of the signs of gall bladder problems. But, I think you are right, he will probably be a changed man as far as diet goes. A teaching and research hospital might be more successful in discovering what is wrong with him. And, you are probably going to say he went to one...sigh.
ReplyDeletePraying for you guys. Hugs.
ReplyDeleteWell, I'll put my 2cents worth in. I knew someone who ended up having microcytic ulcerative colitis. Don't know much about it but the scope didn't show anything. She had a special test at the Mayo Clinic. Hope you get answers soon.
ReplyDeleteI'll bite, get some food grade activated charcoal - mix in GOOD water & drink a couple of glasses a day. Also, increase probiotic intake through good quality supplements or eating fermented foods. Good Luck & I hope he feels better soon.
ReplyDeletePS You know those MDs are clueless...find a Naturopath or a Chiropractor that also does soft tissue work (muscle/nerves on left side of neck are key to digestion).