
Monday, June 7, 2010

It's production time

We've finally made it to eating fresh for the year. The garden is finally producing for us. I'm pretty darn pleased with the tire garden plants. What an easy way to go. So much less back breaking work, the weeding is easier and that water stays where it should be instead of soaking into the ground where plant roots aren't. We've even got our first pumpkin growing! Should be a bumper crop for us, plenty of pumpkin to can up for pie filling. I love pumpkin pie, I would bake and eat a pumpkin pie every week if I could. I'm also pretty excited about the zucchinis. last year we only got one round of fruits and the plants died one by one. The plants in the tires are huge and healthy.


  1. wonderful! it's great getting to that point.

  2. Looking good! My zuc's are just starting to flower but the green beans & Pintos are going like gang buusters

  3. Wondering about the tire plantings for next year...Do you fill the inside (sides) of the tires with anything? What about the bottom? Do you stack them? Any info would be appreciated! Thanks!

  4. Awesome pics MM! Glad your finally eating "fresh"!

  5. Wow... how great! Love seeing pictures of gardens, especially when they're producing. Mine was so late starting that I'm still waiting for more growth and flowers and everything! Thanks for sharing ... I'll go munch on some homegrown lettuce now ... the only thing edible from my garden so far. Vikki at


Comments always welcome