Geez, it seems like this year has just flown by. September is just about over with. I feel like I've forgotten something, just that nagging feeling like I set my coffee cup down somewhere I shouldn't have. Hmmm, wonder what it is? I've put up a good supply of eats from the garden, the sheep is close to butcher, the chickens are all laying, the rabbits are bred, the feed corn is about ready to be harvested.... ah, I don't know. Maybe this feeling is on me because I haven't planted the wheat yet or finished the corn crib.
Looks like workmans comp won this round, Hubby is going back to work and they've not done a single thing to fix his injury. Isn't that the way it goes? Ah, we'll just deal with it like we always do, one step at a time.
My cheese making is back in full swing now. I've just pulled a wheel of traditional cheddar out of the press and I'll probably make some Colby tonight. Even tho I've been making cheese 3 days a week, there's still none in the fridge when I go to get some! The kids are on it pretty hard. Guess I need to start hiding some in the crisper bin or somewhere if I want a piece for myself!
The corn crib is moving along slower that I had hoped. The pallet wood is harder to work than I remember it ever being. The planks have the little spiral nails in them and they just don't want to give it up. It's going very slow and it's very labor intensive. But, I don't have much choice, I can't find any other free plank wood at the moment. I may end up harvesting the corn and leaving it in old feed sacks until I can get caught up on the crib building. I may not have the crib done enough to hold any corn in time. It's not the building of it, it's just a simple box construction with slat walls with spacing for air movement on a simple frame. The pallets are just whippin me at the moment.
We've lost our window for the last 2 fields of hay to be cut. The rain swept thru here with a bump and a growl, dumped 6" of rain on us with some hail and 70mph winds and now it's in the 40's overnight, 70's during the day. Way too cold to cut hay, it will simply not dry with the temperatures that cold and so much ground moisture. I figure I lost 700 square bales but what can ya do? Too cold is too cold. That'll teach me to loan my equipment out to friends and neighbors...
It looks like winter is coming up on us pretty quick. I've hardly cut any firewood yet, it's on the schedule for this next week right after I get the rest of the round bales moved home. I've still got plenty of trees down around the property line from the inland hurricane we had earlier this year so finding the wood won't be a problem. Just the cutting and stacking and finding the time to do it. The waterway between me and the wood is a bit iffy right now, still full of water from the rain and I know I'll be stuck if I try to drive thru it. Mental note, put a waterway crossing on the list! LOL
I've found a recipe for some home made ice cream and I'll be trying it out in the next couple of days. if it goes well, I'll share the recipe......
D.J. takes D.C. - Video
15 hours ago