Really, is this our future? Being labeled as a terrorist and thrown in jail, treated like a gitmo detainee because we want to eat healthy food? Oh, wait, gitmo detainees get treated better than this! God forbid we share that healthy food. What's next, public hangings for passing carrots around? I have been following the raw food (raw milk) fight in the communist state of California for a while now and what has recently happened to
James Stewart and Sharon Palmer should have every American citizen up in arms, disgusted to the point of vomiting and down right pissed as hell. The actions of the LA County DA is nothing short of Stalin, Marx or Hitler. Since when is this behavior acceptable and mind you, this is all over something the County created! Read the whole story via the links on the page, there's tons to this tangled web of lies and deceit. These people aren't serial killers or war criminals. they operate a CSA and promote healthy food.
I eat real, healthy food I grow right here. I butcher my own critters that I raised right here being fed healthy diets without antibiotics or steroids and I drink RAW MILK! According to the USDA, that makes me a terrorist. So be it, I will not eat the government approved poison they are pushing. I got 2 words for the USDA and one starts with F and the other starts with Y and I have a whole herd of middle fingers to go with them. HOW DARE THEM even think they have any right to tell me what I can and can't eat? WTF?
What is it going to take for the sheep in this country to put the bottle of soda and frozen pizza down, step away from the TV and wake up to what's happening in this country? If the USDA endorses drinking a glass of sulphuric acid for breakfast, are you actually going to do it? The USDA says it's safe and healthy, so why wouldn't you? You're an obedient slave to the government, right?
Once again, I am in complete amazement when I think of how we managed to make it this far as humans eating all that lousy and dangerous food that we grew for ourselves. Damn those Victory gardens, millions died from them and they should rightly be OUTLAWED. Don't even think about planting that sweet pepper plant in your front yard instead of a landscaping bush! Drop that peach! Don't even think about eating a blackberry that hasn't been boiled and then drown in high fructose corn syrup! 50 lashes for not consuming your daily allowance of cardboard in your cornflakes!
ARG, now I'm so mad I can't even finish eating breakfast. Guess the puppies get my healthy, home grown breakfast instead.....