
Monday, May 30, 2011

Nest Surprise

How's this for a nice how do ya do? Looks like the boy has a new pet! This egg stealing snake got discovered in mid sneak and made a pretty good escape effort but alas, caught in the end. Could this be what is running my hens off their nests? Maybe one a little bit bigger...

UPDATE- not a king snake. This beauty is a Rat Snake!


  1. OHHHHHHHHHHH that will give me nightmares tonight. What kind of snake is that? Please say you killed it twice. ewwwwwwwww. My daughter would say burn down the barn but I wouldn't go that far. I would remove every little portion of hay and deep clean it. hahaha I am a city girl though.

  2. I don't remember a post about hens being run off their nests. Were they laying eggs elsewhere? I know it is just a King Snake, but I would pee in my pants and fall over backwards trying to escape.Grace, that is funny--burn down the barn.

  3. Hi Grace! We think it's a King snake. LOL on the burn the barn down! No, he/she's not dead yet, it is in a bucket right now until we get a positive ID on it. If it's not poisonous, it's a pet! LOL

    Hey PP! I don't know if I mentioned it or not, I was thinking it was a coon or possum running the hens off the brood. It's happened 3 times now. I still have 2 hens setting tho, one in a bucket on top of my hay pallets and another in the laying boxes I built. So far so good...

  4. Can I get an update on the snake? I am worried that really did make a pet of it. I can't imagine the horror. My children hid 144 glow in the dark rubber snakes in my bed once and I have never recovered.

  5. Hello Grace! Well, it was a pet for a couple of days but it escaped (lousy tank topper). It will be back, stealing eggs and I'll just catch it again!

  6. OHHHHHHHHHHH I shouldn't have asked. The fact that it is loose and can sneak up on you would kill me. I would never enter the barn again. hahaha

  7. LOL Grace, it's okay. They are more afraid of you than you are of them. It's all part of living way out in the country. All kinds of creepy crawlies!


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