Well, I must get back to the mud and the rain and finish my morning farm chores. Nothing big, just tending all the animals. I have to look at each one every morning to make sure they are all healthy and injury free while I'm feeding them...
On a small farm, feeding myself off the land and trying to do what I can the old fashioned way with a modern twist.
Well, I must get back to the mud and the rain and finish my morning farm chores. Nothing big, just tending all the animals. I have to look at each one every morning to make sure they are all healthy and injury free while I'm feeding them...
We spent 4 hours working with her yesterday, a bit too long I think, we wore her out but she did make some serious effort. She might come thru this okay. Still a long way to go for her.
Not much else going on, I picked another 2 rows of corn. The patch is super muddy and it was more work making it down the row than picking the ears but I got them in. Still a bit wet from the rain but should dry out quickly in the sacks. Since I didn't get the crib finished, I'm shelling it right away and it will dry in the burlap sacks. hate doing it that way, it doesn't dry as even as it does in a corn crib but beggars can't be choosers.
We got 8" of rain from the cold front that rolled over us. The 38 degree morning was a real eye opener. I did get the fireplace cleaned up good and set so we stayed nice and warm in the house. Everything is still soft and mushy, it may be all week drying out with these cooler temperatures we're experiencing. Just part of life now, winter is coming.
We're hanging on here, struggling to get those projects that need done before winter finished. Same old story here, no supplies to finish the jobs. We're working on it tho. Just part of the daily routine here. I think we've been fortunate, maybe more fortunate than some in this area. Even tho we had a stint of 2/3 pay (workmans comp), we still managed to get plenty done and put up plenty of hay for the critters and plenty of food for ourselves. Even with the 15% unemployment around us, we still pushed ahead like always and filled the pantry. I look forward to the winter when things slow down here and get quiet.
Oh, I almost forgot to add this in before I headed back to the house from the library computer..... Deborah, you asked about the Colby cheese recipe for your extra goats milk... drop me an email at mmpaints@yahoo.com and I'll send you what I've got for you to try......