Well, yep, here it comes, what is with this bi-polar weather? The rods in my back sing to me every single day! The farm is a swamp and the critters are all looking at me like this is my fault. Hang in there girls, the sun is coming, I swear it is!
My teeny baby quails have hatched! I hope I can keep them alive.
The old incubator has gone bi-polar to match the weather. I'm guessing the heating element is on it's way out. Dang thing can't stay consistent for 2 hours at a time. Hard to hatch healthy chicks out like that! Seems like the new one I picked up with the proceeds from the rooster sales a couple weeks ago is doing a superb job as I got a nice hatch from it yesterday.
I'm working on it, I really am. All these small opportunities to make the farm more viable in the little time my off farm job allows me. My schedule got changed again. Yay rah. Not very happy with it at all. The urge to be profitable with the farm is getting stronger every day. I'm currently working on a barn add-on to house the chickens, turkeys and quail. Probably have enough room for the new rabbit hutches as well. Lost a whole kindle overnight to a first time doe I did not think had actually bred. Guessed wrong I did, big time. 13 kits lost. SMH with a side order of duh. That's a loss of $130. Not very good.
On the up side.... the goats are all healthy and looking pretty good. Billy has grown a bunch this spring and is starting to look like a respectable billy goat. The 2 nanny kids I kept back look good as well. Baby goat is finally putting some weight on. Seems like this years kids were rough on her. I'll have to watch her closer this fall and be sure to keep her weight up thru her gestation. Can't have her looking so poor come kidding again. That ignorant neighbors dog didn't help her much, glad she bounced right back or I'd have to hold some animosity toward that neighbor. Even way out in the country, you still can't get away from stupid.
Got most of the new solar set up sitting here on go. Need 3 more batteries and the dc to ac converter that I've ordered. The batteries might take a month or 2 since they're a bit pricey but I'm close to where I want to be with it. Progress is slow but it's still progress. No more 1 step forward and 2 back anymore.
So, I'm doing what I can with my limited farm time to get the ball rolling in the right direction. I've got a few irons in the fire for the future, will share when they're more solid..... Until next time.....
D.J. takes D.C. - Video
15 hours ago