Whew, finally got the tractor going decent! Boy howdy, that darn thing had me squirming a little bit. I really do depend on that particular piece of equipment and I'm pretty lost without it. Just cant put a big round bale of hay out to the cows without it! Still needs tires but the old, used one the neighbor found for me will make it for a little while and give me some breathing room.
Had 2 pretty good scares this past week. The blower speed switch caught on fire in the truck while on the drive to work. LOL, I like to killed myself trying to get pulled over and stopped so I could put the fire out! Darn thing shorted out and now the cab stinks like burnt plastic. Last night, 50' from the driveway, a big buck stepped out in front of me. Talk about a butt clinch! I'm so glad I spent the time to replace the front hub/rotors on that little truck, saved my bacon and I got it shut down with a couple feet to spare. That stupid deer just stood there and looked at me. I had to roll the window down and yell at it to make it run off! Dumb deer, LOL
Had a visit by an old coalmine co-worker tonite who told me to stop by his house and pick up one of those rubbermaid water troughs he isn't needing anymore. He says it's the goat/sheep sized one. Woohoo, I could use opne of those!
Hey Pamit, yep, those lionheads are mellow, furry little fellers and make great pets! Still no kits yet but I have hope.
All 3 of the hatched chicks are still alive and making a healthy racket in the front room.
The goats all look preggers.
Okay, here's what I've got to raffle.....
both are 5'x7'. Same as always on the entries, $10 for one entry or $20 for 3 entries. Be sure to choose one or the other when entering. This raffle will be open until the 10th of December so I can get it mailed to arrive before Christmas. Good luck!
D.J. takes D.C. - Video
15 hours ago