So, here we are, just about onto Easter. Not a holiday I celebrate with joy since my Grandmother passed away. I have my own retrospect on the subject...
Got the front garden cleaned out and several cold crop items planted. Hoping the frost we had 2 mornings ago doesn't do much damage. I have just a third of the normal seedlings up and growing, lost a bunch to damping off with the burst of cold weather that rolled thru. No heat sucks, LOL
Since I'm basically rock bottom here and starting from scratch, any progress I make at all seems like a huge victory. It's horribly slow coming but it IS coming.
I'm toughing it out and still alive! Pickins in the cupboard are getting a little slim but what I canned up last season should hold out for the fresh produce. The chickens I hatched out for myself are just about up to egg laying so no worries there.The baby bunnies are doing great and I've decided to not try to sell the few I've got as Easter bunnies. Instead, I'm going to eat a couple of the boys and keep the girls to replace the does I lost to the severe winter cold. Build my "herd" back up. I've ended up with 3 girls and just the 1 boy out of the goat kids. Lil Sisters kid, Baby, is a real dandy! What a personality on that little thing! She's spoiled already, of course. She's getting all the darn goats milk on me so you know she's fat and sassy.
The pot bellied pig (the small dexter bull I got from Mike Hammack and then sold back for the $200 he offered me to "help me out") did not produce any calves. So, no cows milk for a few more months. I've got a bull to cover the girls now so calves are on the way. It's probably all the for best tho since my work schedule at the moment would make milking at the proper intervals a bit rough. Funny how those things work out.
Oh, PTLBatman, I'm digging up the sunchokes to move them this weekend or early next week, a box will be heading your way!
The rest is business as usual around here......
D.J. takes D.C. - Video
15 hours ago