The amazing sky yesterday evening right around 8pm central time. Wish it had a little rain in it. All of southern Illinois has been declared drought disaster area as of this morning.
So, yesterday early afternoon, a neighbor from up the county line dropped in for a visit, some sun tea and a chat. I hadn't seen or spoke with her for a while and the lady brought her 3 young daughters with her. Boy, have those little girls grown since I last saw them! Anyway, they came for a visit with 4 paper sacks of zucchini and 6 plastic grocery sacks of sweet peppers. I did a little cooking, sharing what I know about zucchini and some of the ways it can be prepared. I also broke out the dehydrator and shared some pepper dehydrating techniques. It was a nice visit with an old acquaintance.
The dogs have finally met my little skunk buddy. I've kind of made a farm mascot out of her, she lives in the wooded patch up on the corner of the property and comes around looking for food on occasion. She's pretty friendly and I've even hand fed her a few times. The dogs decided she was fun to mess with last night so I had to call them in. She didn't spray them but she did give a warning shot. I fed her a little cat food to make up for it. The dogs paid me back for ruining their fun, they crapped on the kitchen floor overnight! Bad dogs. Sometimes I wonder who's in charge here, if it's me or if I'm just deluding myself, LOL.
Well, back to scrubbing the floor......
D.J. takes D.C. - Video
18 hours ago