Wow, did we ever get a big break last night. A wicked storm rolled thru here and according to reports KFVS12, and WSIL3, we had a tornado last night. The pictures came from WSILs facebook. The affected area is just 15 miles as the crow flies to the southeast of me. So far, from what I can see right around the barn lot, all we got was a couple dead branches down and that crappy old barn lost a little more roofing.
Now, here it is, February, not even close to the normal tornado activity time of the year and now there's 40 houses damaged, the power is out to a large section of the county, several local businesses are damaged including ones that provide food for the area. If you are a "prepper", this will not affect you. Most people only have 3 days worth of food in their homes and no source of water other than the faucet. No power, no water coming out of the faucet and all that preprepared, frozen food is going to go bad. Hmmm, seems like a no brainer to at least be a little emergency prepared, doesn't it?