The news from around the world is very disturbing to me this morning. The commodities market has gone insane. The political venue in Wisconsin is becoming out of hand and the governor there has stated he will use "force" against American citizens. Do you realize what is going to happen if the National Guard opens fire on Americans?
Cocoa May 2011 contract $ / metric ton | Electronic | 3,595.00 |
| +3594.6501 | +1027336.41% | 10:12am ET |
Oh! Say it isn't so! If this continues, i won't be able to afford chocolate!!! Now, if the commodities listing for Cocoa doesn't disturb you, I don't know what will. Oil has gone completely insane.
Oil (Light Crude) April 2011 contract $ / barrel | Floor | 89.71 |
| 0.00 | 0.00% | 2:33pm ET |
Electronic | 94.70 |
| +4.99 | +5.56% | 10:35am ET |
The huge earthquake in New Zealand was horrible but the after shock this morning has about done in what's left of that area. The world has literally come to an end for those people. My heart weeps for their suffering.
Even here, on this peaceful little farm, what goes on around us in the big world affects us. Today I am canning up more butter and some of the deer meat in the freezer. I fear the wheat crop across the country has suffered from the extreme winter weather we all got a piece of. I know for a fact that the wheat here looks pitiful and will be stunted come harvest time. So, between wheat and corn, that covers just about every item on the grocery store shelf. The price of oil, corn and wheat go up, the world starts to suffer. High prices are here to stay and will go much higher very soon. If you are like the rest of the world, the paycheck isn't getting any bigger.
What will happen to the people that can not produce food for themselves? They will be at the mercy of the market. What will happen when there is just not enough to go around? Will the price of basic necessities climb to a level where they become unobtainable? In all appearances, it seems so. n
Society as a whole is very dependent on the "system". Well folks, the 'system" is just about broken beyond repair.

I am feeling the urge to plant more and more every day. I wonder if I will be able to tend such a huge garden all by myself? We shall see, I am not giving up and it is against my very nature to grow less.